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中英對照讀新聞》Parisians combine yoga with puppy cuddles for ultimate relaxation巴黎人結合瑜珈和摟抱小狗達到極致放鬆

2023/12/31 05:30



Stressed-out Parisians looking to combine the relaxing effects of yoga with the warm glow of cuddling a pet are discovering "puppy yoga", where sessions feature not just exercises on the mat, but fluffy puppies on hand for stroking.


Sessions at the recently opened Puppy Yoga Paris include 20 minutes of yoga and 40 minutes of interacting with puppies.


Founder Ella Rubinski said the concept strikes a chord in Paris, where many people work long hours and live in small apartments.


"Many of us can’t have our dogs at home or don’t have the time to take them out every day, so this is an opportunity to spend some time relaxing and being happy," she told Reuters during a session this week that included 10 Golden Retriever puppies.



feature:動詞,以...為特色。例句:This documentary film features real life of concentration camps during WWII.(此部紀錄片聚焦二戰期間的集中營真實生活)

strike a chord:片語,引起共鳴、迴響。例句:The candidate’s speech struck a chord widely.(候選人的演說引起廣泛迴響)

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