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中英對照讀新聞》Don’t mess with this mama bear: Grazer easily wins popular Fat Bear Contest at Alaska national park別惹這隻熊媽媽:格雷澤在阿拉斯加國家公園受歡迎胖熊大賽輕鬆獲勝

2023/10/21 05:30



When it comes to packing on the pounds to survive an Alaska winter, this year’s undisputed champ is Grazer.


Grazer won this year’s contest, handily defeating Chunk 108,321 to 23,134 in the finals.


The annual contest, which this year drew more than 1.3 million votes from dedicated fans watching the bears live at explore.org, is way to celebrate the resiliency of the brown bears that live on the preserve on the Alaska Peninsula.


Viewers of Alaska’s most-watched popularity contest are glued to computer screens all summer long to see which bears are stocking up the most on salmon. They then vote in tournament style brackets over the course of a week, advancing bears to the next round until a champion is crowned. Grazer took the title Tuesday.


According to Grazer’s biography on the Katmai website, the large adult female is often one of the fattest bears to collect salmon on Brooks River inside Katmai. (AP)



mess with:片語動詞,指打擾、招惹。例句:She has warned you already, don’t mess with her!(她已警告過你,別惹她!)

glued to:片語,指緊附於、不願離開、似膠般固著於。例句:Her ear was glued to the keyhole.(她的耳朵緊貼鑰匙孔上。)

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