中英對照讀新聞》Russia Summons Armenian Ambassador Over ’Unfriendly Steps’ 俄羅斯因「不友好舉動」召見亞美尼亞大使
The Russian foreign ministry on Friday summoned the ambassador from longtime ally Armenia to protest upcoming joint military exercises with the United States and other complaints.
“The leadership of Armenia has taken a series of unfriendly steps in recent days,” the ministry said in a statement, citing the exercises that will begin Monday, Armenia’s provision of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and its moves to ratify the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court.
Landlocked Armenia has close military ties with Russia, including hosting a Russian military base and participating in the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization alliance.
However, Armenia has become increasingly disillusioned with Russia since the 2020 war with Azerbaijan. Armenia this year refused to allow CSTO exercises on its territory and it declined to send troops to bloc exercises in Belarus.(AP)
landlocked:形容詞,(國家)被內陸包圍的,內陸的。例句:All the country’s neighbors are landlocked.(該國的所有鄰國都是內陸的。)
disillusioned:醒悟的;不抱幻想的;幻想破滅的,為disillusion的動詞過去式、過去分詞。例句:John is disillusioned with life in general.(約翰對整個生活失去信心。)
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