中英對照讀新聞》Venice jury chief says art must triumph over content in Hollywood威尼斯影展評審團主席表示 藝術在好萊塢必須凌駕於內容之上
Amid the glitz of the Venice Film Festival, jury president Damien Chazelle said on Wednesday he wanted to draw attention to strikes by Hollywood writers and actors that have brought much of the U.S. entertainment industry to a standstill.
The actors and writers are striking together for the first time in 63 years, demanding curbs on the use of artificial intelligence and higher pay as streaming becomes prevalent.
"There is a basic idea that each work of art has a value unto itself and is not just a piece of content, which is Hollywood’s favourite word right now," said Chazelle, director of "La La Land" and "Whiplash".
"It comes down to each person being remunerated for each piece of art that is made, and how to find a way to maintain and get back that idea of art over content."
triumph:動詞,勝過、成功。例句:Justice must triumph over evil.(正義必定勝過邪惡。)
remunerate:動詞,支付酬勞。例句:Formal employees are remunerated at a higher salary than trainee ones.(正式員工的的薪水高於實習員工。)
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