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中英對照讀新聞》State senator makes shirtless vote during Zoom meeting 州參議員在Zoom會議期間打赤膊投票

2023/05/13 05:30



A Minnesota state senator became a reluctant star on social media after he voted shirtless while lying in bed during what should have been a routine legislative commission meeting.


In a video streamed on YouTube, Republican Sen. Calvin Bahr, of East Bethel, can briefly be seen voting — with a School House Rock “I’m Just a Bill” character on the wall behind him — during a Zoom call on Monday with the Legislative Audit Commission.


After voting, Bahr quickly turned the camera off, leaving a black screen showing just his name.


A GOP Senate spokeswoman said Bahr, a truck driver, worked until 4:45 a.m. and then went to bed before Monday’s meeting. She said he would not comment on the vote or the video.


The video prompted several memes and social commentary before comments were turned off. (AP)



reluctant:形容詞,指勉強的、不情願的、阻撓的、頑強的。例句:I prised the phone from his reluctant fingers.(他不願放手,我硬把電話搶過來。)

meme:名詞,迷因(指透過網際網路傳播的搞笑圖片、影片、文字等文化集合,通常帶有幽默或嘲諷意味)。例句:I created a meme photo with the images.(我用這些影像做了一個梗圖。)

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