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中英對照讀新聞》Prolific blood donor Dinesh hopes to inspire others to make a difference捐血常客迪內什希望激勵他人有所作為

2023/03/12 05:30



Dinesh Sharma visited a blood donation camp for the first time as an international student in 2007. Since then, he has donated blood almost 170 times.


The 41-year-old says his initial decision to donate blood came about purely by chance while he was taking a stroll in Sydney. That marked the beginning of what has become a 15-year commitment.


"It has become a part of my few habits now and I donate blood every two weeks," Mr Sharma laughs.


"Every donation saves lives. So whether you donate once or a hundred times, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is to contribute to saving lives," Mr Sharma says.



prolific:形容詞,多產的。例句:Rabbits are prolific.(兔子的繁殖能力很強。)

come about:動詞片語,產生。例句:How did the accident come about?(這起事件是怎麼發生的?)

commitment:名詞,承諾;奉獻。例句:Tom made a commitment to attend the one-month training course.(湯姆承諾要修讀長達一個月的實習課。)

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