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中英對照讀新聞》Thai hotel sets Guinness world record with largest Negroni cocktail (破金氏世界紀錄 泰國飯店調出最大杯尼格羅尼雞尾酒)

2023/02/02 05:30



A hotel in the Thai capital set a Guinness World Record by stirring up the world’s largest Negroni cocktail, with more than 630 litres (1,109 pints) of the bitter Italian drink.


Mixologists at the Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok Hotel poured dozens of bottles of the key ingredients - gin, vermouth, and Campari - into an iced acrylic container which is 1.7m tall and weighing about 400 kg.


The previous record was 504 litres, said Guinness adjudicator Kazuyoshi Kirimura, who added that the hotel was required to bottle and distribute the entire concoction within the next couple of months.(Reuters)



mixologist:名詞,調酒師。例句:He is not only an architecture engineer, but also a mixologist as a sideline.(他不僅是建築工程師,也以調酒師為副業。)

concoction:名詞,調製品。例句:The mixologist was asked to make three kinds of concoction in 5 minutes.(調酒師被要求在5分鐘內調出3種調酒。)

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