中英對照讀新聞》Are you kidding? Baby goat wows fans with 22-inch ears 你在說笑嗎?山羊寶寶的22英吋耳朵令粉絲吃驚
Some social media stars win their fame through their looks, others through their jokes. Simba the baby goat has won over the web with his astonishingly long ears - 22 inches (56cm) and growing.
The tawny-coated kid goat has attracted thousands of followers on YouTube and other channels since he was born in Karachi, Pakistan on June 4.
When Simba was born, his ears were 48cm long. They have grown another 7 cm in just over a month and are showing no signs of stopping.
His breeder, Mohammad Hassan Narejo, has great plans for Simba to preserve Simba’s semen for artificial insemination.
insemination:名詞,授精。例句:She would try hormone injections to boost natural insemination.(她會嘗試注射荷爾蒙,以提高自然授精的機會。)
ward off:動詞,避開、防範。例句:She swiftly turned the steering wheel to ward off a danger.(她快速轉動方向盤避開危險。)
evil eye:指某些民間文化中存在的迷信力量,由他人的嫉妒或厭惡而生,可帶來噩運或傷病。
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