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中英對照讀新聞》Instagram dabbles with letting people hide ’likes’ Instagram試探讓用戶隱藏「讚」

2021/05/26 05:30



Instagram on Wednesday said it is dabbling with letting users hide "like" counts in an effort to ease the pressure of seeking approval from others.


If an experiment at Instagram shows the option is a hit, it could be made permanent and even extended to Facebook, which owns the image-centric social network.


"In 2019, we started hiding like counts for a small group of people to understand if it lessens some pressure when posting to Instagram," a Facebook spokesperson told AFP.


Running tallies of how many people signal they like posts at social networks can be seen as status symbols or indicators of worth, raising mental health concerns.


Some experts say the insatiable quest for "likes" can be addictive and have devastating effects, particularly for younger people. (AFP)



dabble:動詞,嘗試、淺嘗。例句:He had dabbled in local politics briefly. (他短暫涉足過地方政治。)

hit:名詞,受歡迎或非常成功的人或事。例句:The play was a real hit.(這齣劇真是成功。)

lessen:動詞,減少、減輕。例句:Regular exercise can lessen the risk of type 2 diabetes.(規律運動可減少二型糖尿病風險。)

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