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中英對照讀新聞》Florida family finds dead snake inside their clothes dryer 佛州家庭在乾衣機中發現死蛇

2021/04/03 05:30



After their clothes dryer began blowing out a lot of lint, a Florida family called a repair man who discovered a dead snake rather than a jammed motor.


"I was like oh — that’s what caused the motor to blow," Alyson Pring told Orlando television station WKMG.


Repairman Darrell Cobble stopped by to take a look at what was causing the problem, the station reports.


"He just stands up, and he walks off. He’s like, ’There’s a dead snake in there,’" Pring said.


Cobble told the station that while it’s not common, snakes can find their way into dryers. He said there is usually a grate that prevents snakes and other animals from entering the dryer. But Pring’s central Florida home did not have one.


They’ll be keeping an eye out now, Alyson Pring said.(AP)




blow:動詞,指吹動、吹奏、毀掉、輪胎爆裂、揮霍;名詞,指重擊、打擊、吹奏樂器。例句:Divorce was a severe blow to him.(離婚對他是個嚴重打擊。)

jam:動詞,指塞進、堵住、壓碎、不能動彈;名詞,指擁擠、軋住、窘境、擁擠的人群、堵塞物。例句:He was in a jam because he didn’t have enough money to foot the bill.(他的錢不夠買單,很窘。)

keep an eye out:片語動詞,指當心、警惕。例句:Keep your eye out for signposts to Taroko National Park.(注意前往太魯閣國家公園的路標。)

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