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中英對照讀新聞》Bad boy! Dog costs Mississippi officials more than $7,000 (壞孩子!狗狗造成密西西比州官員破費逾7千美元)

2020/12/24 05:30



A curious dog got hold of a fiber optic cable that ran between Amite county buildings in Mississippi, chewing it to pieces.


The cable connected a courthouse and a nearby Justice Court building, Tim Wroten, the county’s sheriff, told the Enterprise-Journal.


The wire was mostly elevated but dipped to the ground by the front door of the Justice Court, where the dog chewed it. However, the culprit was not caught in the act.


The sheriff has a suspect in mind but lacks evidence to hold up his charge. If officials knew who the troublemaker was, the county could seek damages, which amounts to more than $7,000, from the owner.


County Justice Court Judge Roger Arnold said it’s his first time hearing a case like this. "I did hear the suspect was still at large," he quipped.(AP)



culprit:名詞,罪犯。例句:They denounced their neighbor to the police as a culprit.(他們向警方告發鄰居是罪犯。)

at large:片語,(動物、罪犯)未關管的。例句:The culprit is still at large.(肇事者仍在逃。)

quip:動詞,譏諷。例句:Every time he feels nervous, he quips about himself.(他每次緊張時,就會拿自己說笑。)

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