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中英對照讀新聞》Black Friday is here — and it’s completely different 黑色星期五到了——但今年完全不一樣

2020/12/18 05:30



Black Friday sales are in full swing, but Trisha Stuart is unimpressed. The 55-year-old retired nurse from Green Valley, Ariz. finished her shopping weeks ago — and did it all online.


She spent far less than usual — about $200 on an air fryer for her husband and gift cards for their four adult children — because, she said, “covid has put us on edge.”


Stuart and her husband, who has early-onset Alzheimers, aren’t traveling this year. When she does leave the house, it’s mostly to pick up groceries from Walmart.


Americans spent a record $5.1 billion online on Thanksgiving Day, according to Adobe Analytics. Because so many consumers started their holiday shopping in October and early November, Black Friday week just doesn’t hold the same frenetic appeal, analysts say.

根據Adobe Analytics,美國人在今年感恩節創下破紀錄的51億美元網購消費額。分析家說,正因為許多消費者在10月與11月初就開始進行節慶購物,黑色星期五購物週的瘋狂吸引力已不復見。


Black Friday:名詞,黑色星期五,指在美國感恩節(11月第4個週四)隔天舉行的折扣購物節。

in full swing:慣用語,某事進入最高潮,如火如荼。例句:The NBA season is in full swing.(美國職籃NBA正如火如荼開打中。)

on edge:片語,緊張不安,擔憂。例句:Most people feel on edge before their weddings.(大多數人在婚禮前都很緊張不安。)

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