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中英對照讀新聞》Brazilian senator stuffed banknotes in his underpants during raid by police 警察搜捕時,巴西參議員將鈔票藏進內褲

2020/11/05 05:30



Brazilian senator Chico Rodrigues, a key ally of Brazil’s president, has been arrested after anti-corruption officers discovered a wad of banknotes in the underpants he was wearing.


Police initially found 10,000 reais (£1,380) and £4,650 inside a safe in his house. He then asked if he could go to the bathroom and an officer noticed a large, rectangular bulge under his shorts.


"Found inside his underpants, near his buttocks, were stacks of money that totaled 15,000 reais (£2,000)," the police said.


When asked a further three times whether he had any additional cash stowed in his underpants, he angrily shoved his hand into his underpants to retrieve more stacks of bills totaling 17,900 reais (£2,500).


Rodrigues was targeted as part of an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of COVID-19 funds.(Sky News)



raid:名詞,突襲;搜捕。例句:The army staged a raid on the enemy.(軍方向敵軍發動突襲。)

wad:名詞,一疊;一捆。例句:She dropped a wad of banknotes while walking out of the bank.(她走出銀行時掉了一捆鈔票。)

misappropriation:名詞,侵吞;挪用。例句:He was charged with misappropriation of charity donation.(他被控侵吞公益捐款。)

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