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中英對照讀新聞》Park’s death expected to heat up 2021 by-elections 朴元淳去世料將使2021年補選升溫

2020/07/12 05:30

首爾市長朴元淳驟逝,確切死因迄今不明。圖為設在首爾市政府前的追思靈堂,許多市民頂著酷暑排隊悼念。 (歐新社)


The National Election Commission will run by-elections on April 7, 2021 to replace lawmakers and local governors if their seats have remained empty from March 17 this year to March 8, 2021.


Under the Election Law, elected officials are removed from their position if they receive a sentence of a higher than 1 million won fine for violation of the laws on election and political funding, or one year imprisonment.


"The 2021 by-elections certainly can be comparable to regular local elections, as new Seoul and Busan mayors will be elected," said Shin Yul, a political science professor at Myongji University.



heat up:片語,加熱、(使…)變暖、升溫。The gun control debate is heating up again as a result of the recent mass shooting in the US.(由於美國最近發生大規模槍擊案,槍枝管制的辯論正再次升溫。)

remove from:片語,開除、解職、移開、拿開、去除、調動、將…免職。He has been removed from his post as director.(他已被免去了董事職位。)

imprisonment:名詞,監(囚、拘)禁、關押。She was sentenced to life imprisonment.(她被判無期徒刑。)

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