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中英對照讀新聞》Privacy rights may become next victim of killer pandemic 殺手病毒肆虐 下一個受害者可能是你的隱私

2020/06/01 05:30



Digital surveillance and smartphone technology may prove helpful in containing the novel coronavirus pandemic – but some activists fear this could mean lasting harm to privacy and digital rights.


These moves have prompted soul-searching by privacy activists who acknowledge the need for technology to save lives while fretting over the potential for abuse.


"Governments around the world are demanding extraordinary new surveillance powers intended to contain the virus’ spread," the Electronic Frontier Foundation said in an online post.


"Many would invade our privacy, deter our free speech, and disparately burden vulnerable groups of people. Governments must show that such powers would actually be effective, science-based, necessary, and proportionate."




fret over/about someone or something:慣用語,煩躁不安;苦惱,發愁。

proportionate:形容詞,相稱的、按比例的。例句︰Wages will rise at a rate proportionate to expense.(工資將按照與開支相稱的比例增加。)

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