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《中英對照讀新聞》Baby monitor in Illinois picks up live video from NASA mission 伊利諾州的嬰兒監視器收到太空總署任務的即時畫面

2007/06/16 06:00


A mother of two in this suburb of Chicago does not have to turn on the news for an update on NASA’s space mission.


She just flips on her baby monitor.


Since Sunday, Natalie Meilinger’s baby monitor has been picking up black-and-white video from inside the space shuttle Atlantis.


"Whoever has a baby monitor knows what you’ll usually see," said the elementary school science teacher. "No one would ever expect this." Live video of the mission is available on NASA’s Web site, so it is possible the monitor is picking up a signal from somewhere nearby.


"It’s not coming straight from the shuttle," NASA spokeswoman Brandi Dean said. "People here think this is very interesting and you don’t hear of it often - if at all."


Meilinger silenced disbelieving co-workers by bringing in a video of the monitor to show her class on Tuesday, her students’ last day of school. At home, 3-month-old Jack and 2-year-old Rachel do not quite understand what their parents are watching.



pick up:片語,撿起、收拾、學到、獲得。pick up live video指收到即時影像。另pick somebody up或 pick up somebody,意思是去接某人。

turn on:片語,打開,與文中 flip on同義。

if at all:習慣用法,如果發生過的話,如果真的有的話。例句︰It rains hard if it rains at all.(真有下雨的話,絕對下得很大。)

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