中英對照讀新聞》Saturn overtakes Jupiter as planet with most moons 土星超越木星 成為擁有最多衛星的行星
Saturn has overtaken Jupiter as the planet with the most moons, according to US researchers. A team discovered a haul of 20 new moons orbiting the ringed planet, bringing its total to 82; Jupiter has 79 natural satellites.
The moons were discovered using the Subaru telescope on Maunakea, Hawaii. Each of the newly discovered objects in orbit around Saturn is about 5km in diameter; 17 of them orbit the planet "backwards". The other three moons orbit in a prograde direction - the same direction as Saturn rotates.
Two of the prograde moons take about two years to travel once around the ringed planet. The more-distant retrograde moons and one of the prograde moons each take more than three years to complete an orbit.
The team has initiated a contest to name the moons. They have to be named after giants from Norse, Gallic or Inuit mythology, corresponding to the three different clusters.
Saturn:名詞,土星。例句:There are 82 moons orbiting around Saturn. (有82顆衛星繞著土星轉。)
Telescope:名詞,望遠鏡。例句:Astronomers need the telescopes to observe the stars. (為了觀測星象,天文學家需要望遠鏡。)
Mythology:名詞,神話。例句:Loki is a god of Norse mythology.(洛基是北歐神話中的神祇。)
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