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中英對照讀新聞》Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? 黑猩猩為什麼要丟大便?

2019/08/19 05:30



Going to the zoo can be a great adventure, especially if you find poop hurtling in your direction. The likely perpetrators, chimpanzees, are known to sometimes throw their feces at visitors.


Throwing feces is not a regular occurrence for primates, at least not most of them. Primates in the wild don’t normally throw feces. It’s typically observed only in captive populations of chimpanzees.


Chimpanzees have hierarchical social groups. They are known to drag tree branches or throw rocks when they are frustrated or annoyed or when they want to display dominance.


In zoo environments, especially if groups of people are staring at them, the chimps may get riled up or frustrated, and they may decide to convey that emotion to their captive audience.


Since they’re usually deprived of rocks, or branches, or any small objects like that, for this exact reason, they opt for the next best thing that they have within reach, which is usually poop.



chimpanzee:名詞,黑猩猩。例句:Chimpanzees that are better at throwing objects have more developed brains.(擅長扔擲物件的黑猩猩,擁有更發達的腦。)

poop:名詞,大便、屎。例句:These primates consider you worthy of their poop-throwing attention.(這些靈長類動物認為,你值得牠們透過丟大便來吸引你。)

feces:名詞,糞便、糞。例句:Feces, also called excrement, solid bodily waste discharged from the large intestine through the anus.(糞便也被稱為排泄物,是由大腸通過肛門排出的固體排遺。)

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