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中英對照讀新聞》This baby was born on 7-Eleven Day at 7:11 pm, weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces 這個寶寶生於小七日晚上7點11分,體重7磅11盎司

2019/07/19 05:30



7-Eleven Day typically means free Slurpees for everyone, but this year’s celebration turned out more special than usual for one Missouri family.


Rachel Langford of St. Louis gave birth to a baby girl on July 11 - yes, 7/11.


That’s not all, baby J’Aime Brown was born at 7:11 pm, weighing seven pounds and 11 ounces.


Langford, who also has a six-year-old son, told CNN she kept on seeing the numbers 7 and 11 during her pregnancy, but didn’t think it meant anything.


"I thought it was weird at first, and I didn’t know that (the numbers) meant so much," she said. "A lot of the times (during the pregnancy) I would look at the clock and it was 7:11."


Although a bit "freaked out," both mom and baby are doing well.



give birth to:慣用語,生產。

keep on doing something:慣用語,持續(做某事)。例句:The teenage girl keeps on nagging and begging her mother for a new mobile phone.(那名少女一直碎念求她媽買新手機給她。)

freak out:俚語,指突然感到極度驚訝、心煩意亂、憤怒或困惑。例句:Stop it! You are freaking me out.(住手!我被你嚇到了。)

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