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《中英對照讀新聞》 Japanese minister: High heels for women at work are ’occupationally necessary and appropriate’-日本部長:女性上班穿高跟鞋是「職場需要且適當」

2019/06/21 05:30



For many years it has been required in many Japanese offices for women to wear high heels.


But a recent backlash has thrown the practice into question, with more than 19,000 people in Japan signing a petition to ban the requirement.


Speaking about the petition at a lower house committee session on Wednesday, Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Takumi Nemoto demurred on whether demanding women to wear high heels constituted an "abuse of power."


"It is socially accepted as something that falls within the realm of being occupationally necessary and appropriate," he said.


The petition was started by Tokyo artist, writer and feminist Yumi Ishikawa after comments she made on Twitter went viral across the country.


"I’m hoping to get rid of the custom that women have to wear heels and pumps at work," she wrote in January.



throw(something)into question:慣用語,某事受到質疑、檢視與嚴肅討論。例句:These series of demonstrations have thrown into question the ability of this government to remain in power after the election early next year.(一系列示威行動讓人質疑,這個政府在明年初選舉後是否還能持續執政。)

backlash:名詞,(社會或政治方面的)強烈反應;強烈反對。例句:A Rhode Island bishop is facing a sharp backlash after advising Catholics not to attend LGBTQ Pride Month events, claiming they don’t align with Catholic values and can be harmful to children.(美國羅德島州一名主教在建議天主教徒不要參加「同志族群與酷兒驕傲月」活動,聲稱這些人與天主教價值不一致且可能對兒童有害後,遭遇強烈反彈。)

get rid of someone or something:慣用語,擺脫。

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