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《中英對照讀新聞》More than 1,000 dead in D.R. Congo Ebola epidemic 剛果民主共和國伊波拉疫情流行,逾1000人死亡

2019/05/08 06:00

二○一八年九月,一名服務於剛果貝尼市伊波拉治療中心的衛生人員,在結束工作後接受同僚消毒。 (美聯社檔案照)


More than 1,000 people have died of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, authorities said, as aid workers warned that the highly contagious virus combined with insecurity in the restive region was creating a "deeply worrying situation".


The current outbreak is the second deadliest on record, after an epidemic killed more than 11,300 people in West Africa in 2014-2016.


Efforts to roll back the outbreak of the hemorrhagic fever have been hampered by fighting but also by resistance within communities to preventative measures, care facilities and safe burials.


The World Health Organization had initially voiced hope it would be able to contain the outbreak, thanks a new vaccine. But in recent weeks senior WHO officials have conceded that insecurity, scarce financial resources and local politicians turning people against health workers had seriously undermined the containment effort.



on record:片語,正式紀錄的。例句:It was the hottest summer on record.(那是有紀錄以來最熱的夏天。)

roll back:片語、擊退、使回降。例句:The government has made great efforts to roll back the outbreak of the avian influenza.(政府投注龐大心力遏制禽流感疫情爆發。)

turn against:片語,敵視、反對。例句:A lots of his supporters has turned against him.(他的許多支持者已轉而反對他。)

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