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《中英對照讀新聞》Goodbye Stalin: Moscow metro sheds Soviet look in new stations-揮別史達林:莫斯科新地鐵站卸下蘇聯面貌

2019/04/18 06:00



Moscow’s metro system is famed for its Stalin-era stations with glittering chandeliers and mosaics, but architects are taking a radical new approach as the network undergoes a massive expansion.


While the original stations were conceived as "palaces for the people", the new designs are less formal with light boxes for seats and laser-printed glass patterns.


Take the station of Solntsevo for example. Moscow’s Nefa Architects punched holes in the walls of the station entrances to "create light and shadow." Down on the platform, cylindrical white light boxes serve as seats sturdy enough to withstand passengers’ weight. "We wanted to let the sun inside," said Nefa’s lead architect Dmitry Ovcharov.


In 2018, the transport system, which dates back to 1935, opened 16 new stations and carried around two billion passengers per year.(AFP)



glittering:形容詞,閃閃發亮的。例句:Her glittering eyeshadow made her more seductive.(閃閃發亮的眼影,使她更具魅力。)

cylindrical:形容詞,圓柱形的。例句:Only cylindrical cans can fit in the space.(只有圓柱形的罐子才放得進這個空間。)

sturdy:形容詞,堅固的;耐用的。例句:The camera is mounted on a sturdy tripod.(相機被固定在堅固的三角架上。)

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