《中英對照讀新聞》Buddha and bronzer:The Japanese monk who loves make-up/佛陀與古銅妝:喜愛化妝的日本和尚
Putting on smoky eyeshadow and false lashes, make-up artist Kodo Nishimura changes outfits three times during a presentation to fans.
However, at the Tokyo temple where his father is head monk and he assists in rituals, he completely transformed. His face is bare, and he wears the plain robes of a Buddhist cleric. "Both faces are who I am," 29-year-old Nishimura said.
He spends most of the year in the US, where he first indulged in make-up that he kept secret as a child in Japan, hiding in the bathroom to experiment.
Back home, his parents surprised him by being supportive of his career choice. At 24, he still enrolled in a training program in his Buddhist Pure Land sect. "I wanted to know the occupation enough to make the decision."
"I think in Buddhism the core message is to feel happiness, feel balanced within our hearts and to share the happiness," he said. "Feeling beautiful makes people more generous, more attentive to helping others."
transform:動詞,改觀;轉變。例句:Roy transformed the rooftop into a small garden.(羅伊將頂樓改造成小花園。)
bare:形容詞,赤裸的;無裝飾的。例句:Jim stood with bare feet and felt the softness of the ground.(吉姆光腳站立,感受土地的鬆軟。)
indulge:動詞,沉迷於。例句:Tracy likes to indulge in fantasies whenever she is under pressure.(翠西面臨壓力時,喜歡沉溺於幻想之中。)
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