《中英對照讀新聞》Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018-2018年亞洲再保證倡議法
SEC. 209. Commitment to Taiwan.
(a) United States Commitment To Taiwan.—It is the policy of the United States—
(1) to support the close economic, political, and security relationship between Taiwan and the United States;
(2) to faithfully enforce all existing United States Government commitments to Taiwan, consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 (Public Law 96–8), the 3 joint communiques, and the Six Assurances agreed to by President Ronald Reagan in July 1982; and
(3) to counter efforts to change the status quo and to support peaceful resolution acceptable to both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
(b) Arms Sales To Taiwan.—The President should conduct regular transfers of defense articles to Taiwan that are tailored to meet the existing and likely future threats from the People’s Republic of China, including supporting the efforts of Taiwan to develop and integrate asymmetric capabilities, as appropriate, including mobile, survivable, and cost-effective capabilities, into its military forces.
(c) Travel.—The President should encourage the travel of highlevel United States officials to Taiwan, in accordance with the Taiwan Travel Act (Public Law 115–135).
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