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《中英對照讀新聞》Karaoke office: Japan inc. shifts to unusual workspaces-卡拉OK辦公室:日本企業換到奇特的地點辦公

2019/01/03 06:00



From tiny one-person cubicles in underground stations to camping tents under towering skyscrapers and even karaoke clubs: in workaholic Japan, salarymen are never short of a place to work.


On the pavement in Tokyo’s Marunouchi financial district, groups of businesspeople clutching laptops sit on pillows around a low table... in a camping tent surrounded by shimmering glass buildings.


Yasuyuki Minami, who works for the Japanese arm of software giant SAP, said the unusual surroundings sparked new business ideas. His boss agreed that "we tend to have fixed and stereotyped ideas when we are in the office."


Daiichikosho, Japan’s biggest karaoke operator, from April 2017, also opened up its singing rooms for office space at 33 outlets close to business districts in big cities.


For 600 yen per hour, users can display images directly from their laptop computers onto the big screen on the wall. Shy people can also practice business presentations using the microphone and a white board - all in a soundproof room.



cubicle:名詞,小隔間。例句:Everyone at the managerial level is offered a cubicle.(所有管理階層人員都分配到一間小辦公室。)

shimmer:動詞,閃耀。例句:Moonlight shimmers on the surface of the lake.(湖面上閃爍著月光。)

soundproof:形容詞,隔音的。例句:The soundproof room is for the pianists’ exclusive use.(這個隔音房間只供鋼琴家專用。)

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