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《中英對照讀新聞》Firefighters to the rescue after German chocolate factory spill-消防隊員救援發生洩漏的德國巧克力工廠

2018/12/15 06:00



Firefighters in the town of Werl in western Germany tackled an unusual emergency late on Monday when a tank at a local firm making liquid chocolate overflowed and poured out onto a street.


"About a ton of chocolate ran out into the yard and from there onto the street," a spokesman for the Werl fire department said in a statement.


The firefighters closed off the street and shoveled the chocolate - about 10 square meters - to one side before a specialist cleaning company cleaned the road.


"Despite this heartbreaking incident, it is unlikely that a chocolate-free Christmas is imminent in Werl," the fire department said. (Reuters)



tackle:動詞,指對付、處理、交涉、開始大吃,或足球、曲棍球、橄欖球中的阻截動作;名詞,指用具、裝備、男性性器官。例句:He is tackling the boss for a raise.(他正為加薪和老闆交涉。)

overflow:動詞,指氾濫、溢出、淹沒、擠出。例句:My heart overflows with gratitude.(我心中充滿感激之情。)

imminent:形容詞,指鄰近的、即將發生的。例句:Tax reform is imminent.(稅制改革迫在眉睫。)

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