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《中英對照讀新聞》Sainthood for slain Romero, ’voice of the voiceless’ 遇刺死亡的「無聲者之聲」羅梅洛獲列聖人

2018/10/17 06:00



Oscar Romero, the murdered Salvadoran cleric canonized Sunday by Pope Francis, was a powerful orator who used his pulpit to denounce rampant military repression and social injustice.


As archbishop of San Salvador, Romero emerged as a "voice of the voiceless" during intense social and political conflict in El Salvador. He was an outspoken advocate for the poor and victims of government repression, denouncing scores of killings by right-wing death squads.


Romero, 62, was shot through the heart by a marksman on March 24, 1980 while he celebrated evening mass in the chapel of the cancer hospital.


His death escalated violence in El Salvador that would become a 12-year civil war between a series of US-backed governments and leftist rebels. The conflict claimed 75,000 lives before it ended with a peace agreement in 1992.


In his vociferous defense of the poor and the persecuted, Romero "remained alone", said his younger brother Gaspar Romero.



denounce:譴責、告發。例句:He was denounced as a burglar.(他被舉發是竊賊。)

claim:(疾病或意外)奪走(性命)。例句:The explosion claimed 25 lives.(這場爆炸奪走了25條人命。)

vociferous:喧嚷的、大聲疾呼的。例句:She is a vociferous opponent of marriage equality.(她是婚姻平權的活躍反對者。)

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