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《中英對照讀新聞》Swedes eat ’junk news’ diet ahead of vote-瑞典人在選前吃「垃圾新聞」

2018/09/24 06:00

英國牛津大學最新研究顯示,瑞典國會大選前夕,民眾在社群媒體轉發的新聞報導,每兩則中就有一則是「垃圾新聞」。 (歐新社檔案照)


Swedish voters are consuming much more "junk news" than other Europeans ahead of their elections, a new study has said. Very little of it comes from Russia, despite Moscow’s election-meddling track record, the analysis, by a research institute at Oxford University in the UK, out on Thursday(6 September), added.


The ratio of professional news to junk news shared on Swedish social media was 2:1 in a sample period of 8 August to 17 August, the report said. This was the same as in the US election in 2016, when the populist Donald Trump won power, but the junk news ratios in recent UK(4:1), French(5:1), and German elections(7:1), were much lower.


It classified "junk news" as content that lacked professionalism and credibility, used emotionally-driven language, showed political bias, or mimicked normal news outlets via counterfeit methods.



swedish:形容詞,瑞典的;名詞,瑞典語。例句:Eight out of the top-10 most shared junk sites were native Swedish ones.(前10大分享垃圾新聞的網站,有8個在瑞典境內。)

junk:名詞,破爛、廢物、垃圾。例句:Junk food news also known as junk news or junk journalism.(「垃圾食物新聞」也被稱為「垃圾新聞」或「垃圾報導」。)

bias:名詞,成見、偏見。例句:Don’t let your judgment be blinded by personal bias.(別讓個人成見蒙蔽你的判斷。)

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