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《中英對照讀新聞》Duterte vows to resign if anybody can prove God exists-杜特蒂誓言辭職,如果有人可以證明上帝存在

2018/07/17 06:00



Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has promised to resign immediately – if a Christian can show him any proof that God exists.


Duterte, who has had a thorny relationship with the church, questioned anew in a speech late Friday some of the basic tenets of the Catholic faith, including the concept of original sin. It comes just weeks after he outraged religious groups for calling God "stupid."


"You create the perfect thing and then spoil it with a snake and an apple and you give us a sin that we never agreed to commit and that is the original sin," he said if there’s "one single witness" who can prove, perhaps with a picture or a selfie that a human was "able to talk with and to see God," he will immediately resign.


Duterte then hit out at the Catholic Church by asking why followers are required to donate money to the Church. "If you are really helping people, why do you ask money from them?" he questioned.



anew:副詞,再,重新。例句:She is flying to Europe to start her life anew.(她飛往歐洲展開新的生活。)

tenet:名詞,宗旨,教義,原則。例句:Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith.(非暴力及忍耐是他們信仰的核心教義。)

hit out:動詞片語,猛烈批評,嚴厲抨擊。例句:She hit out at the court’s decision.(她猛烈批評法院的決定。)

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