中英對照─Bullied for how he looks, boy adopts a special cat who shares his differences/因外型遭霸凌的男童 領養與他有一樣差異的特殊貓
Madden Humphreys, 7, was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. In addition to having a scar from repair surgeries, he has heterochromia iridum, which means his eyes are two different colors.
Madden wasn’t insecure about his unique look until other kids started pointing it out and calling him names.
Christina Humphreys, Madden’s mom, was troubled by her son’s sadness.
On Facebook one day, Christina stumbled upon a photo of something amazing:It was a cat named Moon, who had two different colored eyes and a cleft lip.
"We knew immediately that this kitty was meant to be part of our family. Not only does he have a cleft lip like our 7-year-old son Madden, he also has complete Heterochromia Iridum, like Madden," she in a viral post these two were meant to be best friends.
cleft:形容詞,指劈開的、裂開的。cleft lip指兔唇,cleft palate指裂顎。
call someone names:慣用語,(尤指小孩的行為)謾駡,辱駡。例句:The boy worries that if he wears short trousers at school, the other children will call him names.(這名男童擔心若他在學校穿短褲會被其他小孩取笑。)
stumble across/on/upon something or someone:慣用語,無意中發現/撞見某事或某人。例句:Scientists in the UK have stumbled across a new drug they believe can provide a cure for baldness.(英國科學家無意中發現一種新藥,據信能夠治療禿頭。)
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