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中英對照讀新聞》Eid Al Fitr holidays announced in Oman 阿曼公告「開齋節」假期

2018/06/11 06:00



Eid holidays for the public and private sectors in Oman this year have been announced by the government.


According to a statement from Oman’s state news agency, holidays for public sector employees begin on Thursday, June 14 2018 and end on Monday, June 18. Work will resume on June 19, 2018.


Holidays for the private sector were also announced on, with H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Al Bakri, Minister of Manpower, today issuing a decree that the holidays for Eid Al Fitr for employees of companies and establishments of the private sector will begin on Thursday, June 14, 2018, and end on Monday, June 18. Work will resume on June 19, 2018.


"The decision points out that employers and employees may agree to compensate for the leave if necessary, and workers who coincide with their weekly leave should be compensated during the holiday," the statement from the agency added.



Eid al-Fitr:名詞,開齋節。例句:Eid al-Fitr is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan.(「開齋節」是全球穆斯林慶祝「齋戒月」結束的重要宗教節日。)

resume:動詞,恢復、重新開始。例句:The Eid Al Fitr holidays for Saudi will start from Friday, June 15, and employees are expected to resume duty on Sunday, June 24.(沙烏地阿拉伯的「開齋節」假期將從6月15日週五開始,雇員預定6月24日週日恢復上班。)

leave:動詞,離開;名詞,休假、假期。例句:Rita is on seven week’s paid leave.(芮塔正放著為期7週的帶薪休假。)

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