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《中英對照讀新聞》Hindu priest carries ’untouchable’ into temple to show ’everyone is equal in the eyes of God’-印度教祭司將「賤民」肩扛入廟,以展現「神明眼中人人平等」

2018/05/23 06:00



A Hindu priest from a temple in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad made headlines for carrying a Dalit (formerly known as untouchable) man on his shoulders into the temple’s inner sanctum.


It has been seen as a dramatic move because Dalits have historically been denied entry into temples as they are considered "impure" by many conservative Hindus. Even today, most temples in India do not allow Dalits to enter. "I wanted to show people that everyone is equal in the eyes of god," the priest, CS Rangarajan, said.


Dalits are among India’s most downtrodden citizens because of an unforgiving Hindu caste hierarchy that condemns them to the bottom of the heap. Despite laws to protect them, discrimination remains a daily reality for the country’s roughly 200 million Dalits.


Rangarajan is the head priest at the popular Chilkur Balaji temple in Hyderabad. After entering the temple, Rangarajan, and the Dalit youth, Aditya, prayed and performed rituals together.


Rangarajan said he told students at a conference about a well-known legend in which a priest carried a Dalit devotee into a temple. When they expressed scepticism that a Hindu priest would do such a thing, he decided to do it himself.



downtrodden:被蹂躪的、受壓迫的。例句:Rohingya Muslims are the one of downtrodden minority in the world.(羅興亞穆斯林是全球最受壓迫的少數民族之一。)

the bottom of the heap:地位最低、狀況最糟的階層。例句:The project is designed to help family at the bottom of the economic heap.(這個計畫旨在幫助經濟最弱勢的家庭。)

condemn(to):迫使處於…狀態。例句:Her rare disease condemned her to an almost reclusive life.(她罹患的罕見疾病使她過著幾乎隱居的生活。)

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