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《中英對照讀新聞》Punggye-ri test site: Core facility behind N. Korea’s nuclear program-豐溪里核試場:北韓核子計畫背後的核心設施

2018/04/29 06:00



The North has conducted its all six nuclear detonations at the Punggye-ri facility in North Hamgyong Province. Last month, the U.S.-based North Korean analysis website 38 North assessed that the reduction in activity could be attributed to recent diplomacy between Pyongyang and Seoul and Washington.


"It appears that the North is trying to show that its proposal to denuclearize is not an empty promise," Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean studies, said.


The head of South Korea’s weather agency, Korea Meteorological Administration, warned last year during a parliamentary meeting that another nuclear blast could trigger a collapse of the North’s mountainous test site and a leak of radioactive materials. Geological experts have raised concerns that the site’s nuclear tests may have influenced volcanic activities in the nearby Mt.Paekdu, which can lead to serious environmental consequences.



attribute:動詞,把……歸咎(因)於、認為某人事物具某種特性。He attributed his good health to good genes.(他認為自己健康良好是因為基因好。)

denuclearize:動詞,(使……)非(無)核化。North Korea needs an incentive to denuclearize.(北韓需有非核化的誘因。)

trigger:動詞,引發(起)、觸發、扣扳機擊發。The incident may trigger more violence.(這起事件恐引發更多暴力行徑。)

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