《中英對照讀新聞》Overworked South Koreans ’forced to shut computers’ 過勞南韓人「被迫關掉電腦」
The government in South Korea’s capital Seoul is introducing a new initiative to force its employees to leave work on time - by powering down all their computers at 20:00 on Fridays. It says it is trying to stop a "culture of working overtime."
The shutdown initiative is set to roll out across three phases over the next three months. The programme will begin on 30 March, with all computers switched off by 20:00. The second phase starts in April, with employees having their computers turned off by 19:30 on the second and fourth Friday that month.
From May on, the programme will be in full-swing, with computers shut off by 19:00 every Friday. All employees will be subjected to the shutdown, though exemptions may be provided in special circumstances.
South Korea has some of the longest working hours in the world. Government employees there work an average of 2,739 hours a year - about 1,000 hours more than workers in other developed countries. Earlier this month, South Korea’s national assembly passed a law to cut down the maximum weekly working hours to 52, down from 68.
roll out:動詞片語,推出,鋪開。例句:An election campaign is expected to roll out soon.(一場選舉活動預計很快就會推出。)
in full swing:副詞片語,全面展開,蓬勃高漲。例句:The party is in full swing.(這場派對正全面展開。)
exemption:名詞,免除,豁免。例句:He was granted exemption from military service.(他獲准免服兵役。)
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