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《中英對照讀新聞》Sorry, cat people, dogs are smarter 抱歉,愛貓人,狗比較聰明

2017/12/11 06:00



There’s a new twist to the perennial argument about which is smarter, cats or dogs. It has to do with their brains, specifically the number of neurons in their cerebral cortex:the little grey cells associated with thinking, planning and complex behavior - all considered hallmarks of intelligence.


The first study to actually count the number of cortical neurons in the brains of a number of carnivores, including cats and dogs, has found that dogs possess significantly more of them than cats. As far as dogs and cats go, the study found that dogs have about 530 million cortical neurons while cats have about 250 million, compared with 16 billion in the human brain.


The researchers analysed the brains of one or two specimens from each of eight carnivore species:ferret, mongoose, raccoon, cat, dog, hyena, lion and brown bear. They found that the brain of a golden retriever has more neurons than a hyena, lion or brown bear, even though the bigger predators have brains up to three times as large.



cortex:名詞,皮質。例句:The cerebral cortex plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, cognition, thought, language, and consciousness.(大腦皮質在記憶、注意力、知覺、認知、思考、語言和意識方面,扮演關鍵角色。)

hallmark:名詞,特徵。例句:Violent winds, driving rain, killer waves, these are the hallmarks of a hurricane.(強風、暴雨、致命大浪都是颶風的特徵。)

predator:名詞,掠食者、肉食性動物。例句:Spiders may rely on camouflage to protect them from predators such as birds.(蜘蛛能藉由偽裝躲避鳥類等掠食者。)

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