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《中英對照讀新聞》Venice to fine tourists up to €450 for bad behavior 威尼斯開罰行為不良遊客,最高罰450歐元

2017/10/26 06:00



€100 for littering. €100 for indulging in any kind of horseplay that could be considered annoying. €400 for damaging, writing or sticking anything on buildings, benches, trees and pavements. €200 for wandering around in your bathers or going shirtless.


Those are the fines Mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro has announced to back up its carrot-and-stick behavioral campaign, #enjoyrespectVenezia, as a stern warning to visitors.


The city already had fines in place for bad behavior, but they were much lower, with the average around €50. Now, €450 is the upper limit, and is reserved for people caught swimming in the canals and the waters around Piazza San Marco.


But it’s not all negative. It is also providing ideas on how to be a more responsible tourist, and creating maps highlighting public toilets and picnic areas.


Venice is struggling to cope with unprecedented numbers of visitors and widespread poor behavior. Local tempers are boiling over this summer and even described August as “war” in the city.



horseplay:名詞,惡作劇;嬉戲。例句 :Any kind of horseplay is prohibited during self-study session.(自習課時禁止任何形式的嬉鬧。)

stern:形容詞,嚴厲的。例句:The chief of police repudiated violence with stern words.(警察總長嚴詞譴責暴力。)

boil:動詞,沸騰;發怒。例句:Learning all flights were cancelled, the passengers boiled with rage.(得知班機全都取消後,旅客勃然大怒。)

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