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《中英對照讀新聞》Crunch time for AIDS vaccine nears in 2008 2008年是愛滋疫苗研發的關鍵時刻

2007/02/01 06:00


The hunt for a vaccine against AIDS is about to enter a critical stage, with results in 2008 from large-scale clinical trials of two candidates set to determine the future direction of research.


Although there is a good chance that neither experimental vaccine will provide comprehensive protection, Seth Berkley, head of the nonprofit International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, is optimistic scientists are on the road to developing a viable shot.


Even if today’s vaccines reduce HIV infection rates by only a little, he is confident this would provide a springboard for more effective next-generation products.


HIV is uniquely difficult to vaccinate against, because the virus infects the very immune system cells that are usually stimulated by a vaccine.


Highest hopes are pinned on a vaccine from Merck & Co. Inc.. Expectations are lower for a rival product from Sanofi-Aventis and VaxGen Inc.



crunch:動詞,咀嚼、踩踏;名詞,咀嚼聲、困局、關鍵(時刻)。crunch time,口語用法,指的關鍵時刻、最後關頭。

reduce … by …:將…減少…的量/幅度。They reduced the number of enemy by 10,000。(他們消滅了1萬名敵軍)。

pinned on:釘在…上、將…歸因於…,to pin the fault on someone,將過失歸咎於某人。

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