《中英對照讀新聞》 Chocolate Maker Mars Vows To Spend $1 Billion To Fight Climate Change 巧克力製造商「瑪氏」鄭重宣布將斥資10億美元對抗氣候變遷
When President Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement, American confectionary giant Mars Incorporated was one of several major U.S. companies urging him to reconsider.
Now, the chocolate maker has taken an even bigger step in the fight against global warming, vowing to commit nearly $1 billion over the next few years to tackle what it described as one of "the most urgent threats facing the planet and its people."
"Mars has been in business for four generations and intends to be for the next four generations," said CEO Grant F. Reid in a statement announcing the company’s new "Sustainable in a Generation" plan.
Mars Inc. - maker of candy brands like Mars bars, M&M’s, Snickers, Skittles, Starburst and Twix — said it aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by almost 70 percent across its value chain by 2050. The company promised increased investment in renewable energy, sustainable farming practices, as well as sustainable food sourcing.
vow:鄭重宣布。例句:He vowed that he would take the matter to court.(他鄭重宣布要將此事訴諸法律。)
commit:撥出。例句:The company committed some of its profits to installing solar panels.(該公司提撥部分盈利裝設太陽能板。)
in business:經商、經營。例句:He is in business for himself.(他自己做生意。)
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