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《中英對照讀新聞》Elon Musk Wants to Launch Manufacturer of Nice Cyborgs 伊隆.穆斯克想創辦善良機械改造人的製造公司

2017/09/04 06:00



Tesla CEO Elon Musk is sponsoring a new start-up named Neuralink Corporation, which has already raised the first $27 million of its $100 million goal to create a system that will implant electrodes in human brains to upload and download thoughts and information to computers.


The Neuralink.com website states that the San Francisco-based company is “developing ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers,” and is “looking for exceptional engineers and scientists” with talent and drive that will mostly come from outside of the neurosciences.


Nuralink Corporation claims its goal is to enhance human lives, but that was also the stated goal of the fictional Skynet Corporation’s cyborg engineers when they designed the prototype T-1000 liquid mimetic poly-alloy metal android in the Terminator series.


The 1991 fantasy T-1000 supposedly mimicked how the human brain works through the use of artificial neural networks, using “deep learning” that allowed the machine to generate its own strategies and actions without changing the underlying coding.



cyborg:名詞,賽博格、機械改造人、生化人。例句:Musk is trying to launch a manufacturer of nice cyborgs that do not become Terminators.(穆斯克正試著創辦一間善良機械改造人的製造公司,不讓機械改造人成為魔鬼終結者。)

mimetic:形容詞,擬態的、模仿的。例句:Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of japanese vocabulary.(擬聲詞和擬態詞是日語詞彙中顯著的特徵。)

underlying:形容詞,基礎的、潛在的。例句:I sensed an underlying air of menace in his appeal.(我感覺到他的訴求暗藏威脅。)

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