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《中英對照》Pakistan lifts kite-flying ban 巴基斯坦解除放風箏禁令

2007/01/20 06:00


Authorities lifted a ban on kite-flying in a Pakistan province after the sport was forbidden last year following a series of deaths caused by reinforced kite strings, an official said.


The ban was lifted about a month ahead of Basant, an annual festival that heralds spring and is marked by flying colorful kites in the eastern province of Punjab and its capital, Lahore.


This year’s festival will be celebrated on Feb. 25.


During Basant last year, seven people were fatally slashed by glass-coated or metal-reinforced kite strings, prompting authorities to ban kite-flying. They arrested hundreds who defied the new regulation. Among last year’s fatalities was a 4-year-old boy whose throat was slit by a string coated with glass as he rode on a motorcycle with his father.


Glass-coated or metal strings will be banned, and authorities will issue licenses for selling kites and strings during this year’s festival. The ban will be re-imposed after the festival’s final day celebrations.



lift︰解除(禁令、制裁、封鎖),lift a ban on...解除…禁令。

herald︰名詞為先驅、預報者,動詞為預示…來臨。His rise to power heralded the end of the liberal era. (他的掌權預示自由時代的結束。)

defy︰公然反抗、使不能。Her odd behavior defies understanding.(她怪異的行為難以理解。)

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