《中英對照讀新聞》Turkey to stop teaching evolution theory in high schools 土耳其高中將停教演化論
Turkey is to stop teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution in high schools, deeming it controversial and difficult to understand, a senior education official said.
Critics say President Tayyip Erdogan and the Islamist-rooted AK Party are undermining modern Turkey’s secular foundations by pushing a conservative agenda, including tighter regulation of alcohol and other restrictions, since coming to power in 2002.
A chapter entitled "Beginning of Life and Evolution" will be deleted from the standard biology textbooks used in schools and the material will be available only to students who go on to university studies from age 18 or 19, Alparslan Durmus, head of the national education board said.
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is rejected by both Christian and Muslim creationists, who believe God created the world as described in the Bible and the Koran, making the universe and all living things in six days.
The changes are part of a new curriculum that will go into effect at the start of the 2017-2018 academic year, and was formulated in accordance with "Turkish values", Durmus said.
go(come)into effect:生效、實施。例句:The new law went into effect yesterday.(這條新法昨天上路。)
formulate:構想、制訂。例如:formulate a policy(制訂政策。)
in accordance with:與…一致、根據。例句:In accordance with your request I am sending some product samples.(按照你的要求,我寄上一些產品樣本。)
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