《中英對照讀新聞》Donors Give Thousands To Buy Manchester Heroes A Drink 捐款人捐獻數千英鎊,請曼徹斯特英雄喝一杯
曼徹斯特「Turing Tap」酒吧的經理斯洛特(Samantha Slaughter)獲得1萬3000英鎊捐贈,用來招待救援人員。(法新社)
Edmund Hall knows that alcohol "isn’t the answer" to trauma, but after the deadly Manchester bombing he felt the least he could do was buy emergency service workers a drink.
The London consultant and lifeboat volunteer set up a crowdfunding page to raise 1,000 pounds to foot bar bills, "because people working shifts after a bombing shouldn’t buy their own drinks". "It seems a simple and easy way to say thank you," he wrote on the Just Giving page, putting down 100 pounds himself and encouraging others to give what they could afford.
這位倫敦顧問兼水上救生義工成立集資網頁,募款1000英鎊以支付酒吧帳單,「因為在爆炸案後,輪班工作的人不應該自己付酒錢」。「這似乎是簡單、容易的致謝方式」,他在「Just Giving」網頁上寫道,並拿出100英鎊,鼓勵其他人捐出自己可以負擔的金額。
Within a few days, the site had raised more than 13,000 pounds from more than 800 donors. "I am speechless," wrote Hall after reaching the 10,000 pounds mark. "Nothing we’ve done today will fix the damage, or lessen the pain of those directly affected, but emergency service and hospital workers should know that if we were there now, we would buy them a drink."
Hall was moved to start the campaign after Monday night’s suicide bomb attack at the end of a pop concert which left 22 people dead, a third of them children. Rescue workers raced to the scene to aid victims of the bombing, which injured another 116 people.
at least:至少、起碼。例句:You should at least have warned him.(你至少應該警告他。)
foot:(口語)支付費用。例句:Her parents footed the bill for their honeymoon tour. (她的父母支付他們蜜月旅行的費用。)
lessen:減輕、縮小。例句:The medicine begins to take effect and symptoms lessen.(藥效開始發揮,症狀減輕了。)
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