《中英對照讀新聞》Kathrine Switzer to run Boston Marathon again, 50 years on 屆滿50年,凱薩琳.斯威策將再戰波士頓馬拉松
◎ 劉宜庭
For most people, the idea of running a marathon would be tough enough. But imagine running it as a pariah, with most of those watching either expecting or willing you to quit and one of the race officials even trying to physically drag you out of the race.
That’s exactly what happened when Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to enter the Boston Marathon in 1967.
"I turned and I saw this fierce face, the fiercest face I’d ever seen. He grabbed me and screamed, ’get the hell out of my race’ and tried to rip off my bib number. It happened in a flash, but it was a flash that changed my life."
Despite being shook up, Switzer did finish the race and became a hero and activist for women’s long-distance running, not only changing her life, but helping to completely change attitudes in the process.
On Monday, Switzer will run the same race again. She is among 32,000 runners expected to take part - nearly half of them women.
pariah:名詞,賤民、被放逐的人。例句:Lisa came upon the pariah of the village.(麗莎碰到被村莊放逐的人。)
fierce:形容詞,兇猛的、令人難受的。例句:The lion is a fierce animal.(獅子是一種兇猛的動物。)
in a flash:慣用語,立刻、瞬間。例句:I’ll be back in a flash.(我立刻就回來。)
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