《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea, US, Japan kick off anti-submarine drill to counter NK’s SLBM 為反制北韓潛射彈道飛彈,南韓、美、日展開反潛訓練
South Korea, the US and Japan on Monday began an anti-submarine exercise designed to counter North Korea’s growing threats from submarine-based ballistic missiles (SLBMs) , South Korea’s Navy said.
The three-day exercise took place in waters between South Korea and Japan, near Jeju Island, where the three countries’ navies searched for and tracked a mock submarine, protected high-value units under a contingency scenario, and carried out anti-submarine defense maneuvers.
“The drill was intended to improve the three countries’ anti-submarine search, identification and tracking capabilities so as to ensure their effective response to threats from North Korea, which is developing SLBMs,” the Navy said in a statement.
The US Navy’s 7th Fleet based in Japan said in a separate statement that the drill will promote communications, interoperability and partnership between the three navies. “The training will allow participants to enhance tactical maritime capabilities, strengthen cooperation and improve shared situational awareness.”
kick off:動詞片語,開球。When does the soccer game kick off?(這場足球賽何時開始?)
track:動詞,跟蹤。The military use satellite to track targets through clouds.(軍方利用衛星穿透雲層追蹤目標。)
so as to:片語,以便。We should do more exercise so as to keep fit.(我們該多運動,好保持健康。)
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