《中英對照讀新聞》Goldfish gets customized wheelchair 金魚收到客製化的輪椅
◎ 劉宜庭
"These type of goldfish, they’ve been bred a little more than some of the other goldfish. So just like dogs and things that have some of the fancier breeding, you can get a little more health issues that can arise with fish like this."
Then - Derek had another idea. If the goldfish can’t float by itself - why not engineer a device that float for the fish?
"I just started messing with some things and tinkering with different items and troubleshooting, and came up with the wheelchair that became famous. The goldfish wheelchair!"
"Bits of airline tubing and airline tubing connectors. The base actually had plant weights that were wrapped around some zipties and things to actually hold it down, and the top is styrofoam pieces."
"He went from being upset, stuck on the bottom to be swimming around. This is the happiest I’ve seen him since we’ve had him in our possession."
customize:動詞,訂製、客製化。例句:You can customize a frame.(你可以訂製一個相框。)
come up with:介係詞片語,指想出(方法、答案)。例句:Could you help me come up with some new ideas?(你能幫忙想出新點子嗎?)
ziptie:名詞,指束帶。例句:Please give me some zipties .(請給我一些束帶。)
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