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《中英對照讀新聞》Senegal Islamic channel blames ’criminal act’ for porn broadcast-塞內加爾的伊斯蘭頻道譴責色情廣播為「犯罪行為」

2017/04/01 06:00



A Senegalese Islamic channel shocked viewers with half an hour of hardcore pornography in the middle of the day, in what the TV station on Wednesday attributed to a "criminal act".


Privately run Touba TV generally broadcasts religious programs, including prayer sessions, sermons from prominent imams and in-depth theological discussions.


But viewers were horrified on Monday afternoon when its regular transmissions were interrupted with a hard porn movie.


The West African country’s media watchdog, CNRA, has demanded an explanation. "We have asked Touba TV how this unacceptable mistake could happen for almost 30 minutes," an official told Reuters.


In a statement, Touba TV denounced what it called "a criminal act by people with a hidden agenda." It gave no further details on the criminals or how they got access to its broadcasting unit.(Reuters)


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