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《中英對照讀新聞》Mouse delays British Airways flight to San Francisco 英航飛舊金山班機因老鼠誤點

2017/03/11 06:00



A mouse caused a big delay for a flight from London to San Francisco, forcing passengers to switch aircraft after the tiny stowaway was discovered.


The mouse was spotted scurrying under a door aboard British Airways Flight 285 at London’s Heathrow Airport on Wednesday as passengers were buckled in for departure, a passenger told San Francisco television station KGO.


This forced them to switch aircraft and endure a four-hour delay, according to KGO.


Some passengers joked that the mouse lacked a visa to enter the United States, according to passenger Annina Salven, who laughingly told KGO it made sense to switch planes "because I really wouldn’t want to eat food on a plane that had a mouse."


Rodents have been known to chew through the wiring on aircraft, with potentially dangerous results.


British Airways in a statement confirmed the disruption of its Flight 285 from London’s Heathrow Airport to San Francisco, saying "on this occasion there was one very small customer who we had to send back to the gate." (Reuters)



scurry:動詞,指快走、催促;名詞,指疾走、倉皇跑步聲、驟雨、驟雪、短距離賽馬。例句:There is a great scurry for bargains.(大家急著搶購特價品。)

make sense:片語動詞,指講得通、合情理、有意義。例句:I try to make sense of it.(我試圖瞭解箇中意涵。)

buckle:動詞,指用帶子扣住、使變形或彎曲、壓垮、雙腿發軟。例句:Protesters accused him of buckling under pressure from hardliners.(抗議者指控他因強硬派施壓而屈服。)

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