《中英對照讀新聞》Woman Shares Thanksgiving With Teen She Accidentally Invited-女子與無意中邀請的青少年共度感恩節
An Arizona woman who accidentally texted a stranger an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner made good on her offer, greeting the teen visitor with a hug and an oven full of food after their story swept through social media.
Wanda Dench prepped two turkeys and set up a long table in the backyard of her suburban Phoenix home Thursday before she and her family headed outside to wait for Jamal Hinton, 17, The Arizona Republic reported.
The mix-up happened after Dench included what she thought was her grandson’s number on a group text last week inviting some relatives to dinner. But he had changed his number and forgot to tell her.
Instead, the text went to Hinton. They realized the mistake after the two exchanged pictures, but Hinton asked if he could "still get a plate." Dench responded, "Of course you can. That’s what grandmas do."
make good on something:慣用語,兌現承諾;償還債務。例句:The hijackers didn’t make good on their promise to release all the passengers on board after the plane landed.(劫機犯沒有兌現在飛機降落後釋放機上所有乘客的承諾。)
greet someone with something:慣用語,以某物歡迎/接待/迎接某人。例句:The hotel doorman greeted every guest with a smile.(那名飯店門房以微笑接待所有客人。)
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