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《中英對照讀新聞》Pigeon lovers set for the battle of Trafalgar 愛鴿人士準備迎接特拉法加之戰

2006/12/20 06:00


Pigeon lovers are set to take London Mayor Ken Livingstone to court to force him to let them continue feeding the birds he calls "flying rats" in the capital’s Trafalgar Square.


The Save the Trafalgar Square Pigeons (STTSP) action group has been battling a campaign launched by Livingstone six years ago to rid the central London square of its pigeons, which he says are a nuisance and a health hazard.


The sale to the public of bird seed has been banned and hawks have been brought in to scare the pigeons away.


The group says Livingstone has broken an agreement to allow them to feed the birds as part of a plan to eradicate them by a gradual reduction in feeding and to donate 3,000 pounds for the bird food.



take sb. to court:指將某人告上法院。

feed:動詞,餵、提供飼料或食物。例句:The patient cannot feed himself yet.(病患還不能自己進食。)

to rid~of…:使~擺脫…。例句:It is difficult to rid clothes of cooking smells.(衣服上的油煙味道很難去除。)

to be brought in:引入、帶進。例句:He was brought in, and stood before the manager.(他被帶了進來,站在經理前面。)

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