《中英對照讀新聞》World’s primates facing extinction crisis, new report says 新報告說,世界靈長類動物瀕臨滅絕危機
Gorillas, monkeys, lemurs and other primates are in danger of becoming extinct, and scientists say it’s our fault that our closest living relatives are in trouble, a new international study warns.
About 60 percent of the more than 500 primate species are "now threatened with extinction’’ and 3 out of 4 primate species have shrinking populations, according to a study published in Wednesday’s journal Science Advances .
The decline has been blamed on human activities including hunting, mining and oil drilling.
Logging, ranching and farming have also destroyed precious habitat in Africa, Asia and South America.
Primates, which include apes, monkeys and humans, have forward-facing eyes and grasping ability that set them apart from other mammals.
Scientists study them to learn about human behavior and evolution.
shrink:動詞,縮減、體積變小。例句:Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.(若洗衣水溫過高,你的毛衣將會縮水。)
be blamed on:動詞片語,是…的原因。例句:The hot weather is partly to blame for the water shortage.(炙熱的天氣是缺水的原因之一。)
evolution:名詞,進化。例句:Humans first evolved in Africa, and much of human evolution occurred on that continent.(人類演化首先出現在非洲,人類演化也多半發生在非洲大陸。)
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